I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Information Technology at Bukidnon State University, Philippines and have more than 10 years’ experience in Digital Marketing & IT. My early years of my career were in the IT industry back in the Philippines and it was this experience that supported my move to live and work in Dubai in 2013. Since moving to Dubai I have held various roles and responsibilities, but all in the Dubai Real Estate Sector.
Today, I am working as the Marketing Manager of Exclusive Links, a position I have held since 2018. My key focus is to work with the other managers and the teams to help Exclusive Links achieve their digital marketing goals including competitive market share and overall company growth and position. This includes tech automation, lead generation, SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, analytics, email marketing, defining web user experience, website/web-based technology and system implementation. I am involved in the ongoing development and management of our CRM and website and also identifying and working with other 3rd parties to support our business. I pride myself on being a fast learner and I am a well-liked leader amongst the teams. I not only consider it my responsibility but I also am a natural problem solver who enjoys thinking outside the box to find the best resolution. I am driven to achieve my goals, motivated to excel & deliver beyond what is expected of me by my peers and superiors.
My leadership style is to support those around me and to create possibilities and conditions for people I work with to succeed. I like to inspire people that I work with to dream more, do more and become more and of course- to get them to share it all on social media! On the weekends, I love long drives that take you outside the city and into the neighbouring Emirates discovering hidden and unspoilt beaches and mountains spots. I also love travelling to other countries overseas and look forward to discovering more cities and countries again in the future.